Moonlight AR explores how festivals and intangible cultural heritage evolve with 3D augmented reality technologies.
To explore that question, this project introduces a working AR prototype representing the evolving Mid-Autumn festival through interactive AR technology, and ventures to embed natural and physical interactions to encourage people to participate in ritual practises.
Project Goals:
1. Bring people together through a fun gamified Augmented activity
2. Bring natural interactions such as movement and physical awareness into mobile gameplay
3. Higher level of player sensory gratification
4. A new type of mobile experience that features both tangible physical game experience and fantasy virtual game experience
5. A model and framework for making an engaging 'Mixed-reality culture exploration experience.
6. Add to existing Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Activities
1. Bring people together through a fun gamified Augmented activity
2. Bring natural interactions such as movement and physical awareness into mobile gameplay
3. Higher level of player sensory gratification
4. A new type of mobile experience that features both tangible physical game experience and fantasy virtual game experience
5. A model and framework for making an engaging 'Mixed-reality culture exploration experience.
6. Add to existing Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Activities
This response will lead to meaningful human interactions with cultures and encourage the practices vital to keeping intangible cultural heritage alive through the passage of time.
*Project Walk-through*


*3D Digitisation*


*Engagement Materials*

*Reflective Documents*