Banh Chung AR - The Tradition that Sticks, explores the idea of "home" and "togetherness" via an augmented traditional social practice of food making.
Drawn to the myth and tradition of making Banh Chung, I reanimate the dish’s authentic ingredients and cooking process combined with atmospheric spring elements and environment storytelling, to reclaim the narrative on this lesser-known aspect of Vietnamese culture, while telling my evolving cultural identity.
Through this interactive walk-through AR project, this project aims to generate a discourse surrounding ideas of “home", engage local audiences and introduce a contemporary image of Vietnamese culture to international audiences.
*Project walk-though*

Personal Sketch - Annotation:
"I can't be home this Lunar New Year but this feels like home"

*3D digitisation*


*3D Animation*

*3D visual effects*

*Reflective Documents*